Soft Tissue Masses and Skin Lesions

A variety of soft tissue masses may be surgically removed by our doctors. Here are some of them.

Skin tags ("Acrochordons")

A skin condition involving small, benign skin growths. Cutaneous tags are very common, benign skin growths that occur most often after midlife. They are tiny skin protrusions, and may have a small narrow stalk connecting the skin bump to the surface of the skin. They are usually painless and do not grow or change, except for occasional irritation from rubbing by clothing or other friction. Their origin is unknown.

Skin tags are usually very small, but sometimes half an inch long and may be located on the neck, armpits, trunk, body folds, or other areas. They may have a narrow stalk and are usually skin-colored, but occasionally darker.

They may be surgically removed. There is usually no regrowth or scar formation after removal. New cutaneous tags may appear elsewhere on the body.

Sebaceous cysts (also known as epidermal cyst; Keratin cyst; epidermoid cyst)

A closed sac found just under the skin containing "pasty" or "cheesy" looking skin secretions. Sebaceous cysts most often arise from swollen hair follicles. Skin trauma can also induce a cyst to form. A sac of cells is created into which a protein called keratin is secreted. These cysts are usually found on the face, neck, and trunk. They are usually slow- growing, painless, freely movable lumps beneath the skin. Occasionally, however, a cyst will become inflamed and tender.

Symptoms may include a nontender, small lump beneath the skin; redness, tenderness, or increased temperature of the skin over the area may occur infection; and grayish white, cheesy, foul smelling material may drain from the cyst.

In most cases, out doctors can diagnose a cyst based on its appearance. Occasionally, a biopsy may be needed to rule out other conditions with a similar appearance.

Sebaceous cysts can be surgically removed in a physician's office. Alternatively, small inflamed cysts can be treated by injection of steroid medications.


A lipoma is a benign, fatty tumor in the skin and underlying tissue, usually on the back, arms and legs. Surgery may be suggested for cosmetic reasons or if the lipoma is bothersome, for example at the belt-line. An incision is made over the lipoma.
The lipoma is opened, cut free from connective tissue and removed. The skin is closed with sutures or clips, which usually can be removed about 1 week after surgery.


Unwanted vascular lesions, such as large and small blood vessels, can successfully be treated by one of the doctors. Some examples of treatable lesions include: telangiectasias (small spider-like enlarged blood vessels) often seen on the face as the result of sun exposure and increasing age, port-wine stains, flat pink or red birthmarks which are often present at birth and some rosacea.

Other procedures such as the removal of moles, warts and cysts are also performed by the doctors. In general, moles that are bigger than the size of a pencil eraser, have jagged margins and uneven pigmentation within the mole, should be checked by a dermatologist. The vast majority of moles do not require removal. A wart is a benign skin growth caused by a virus, surgical removal may be prescribed for persistent warts.

  A. General Surgery
    1. Laparoscopic Surgery
      a. Exploratory
      b. Appendix
      c. Hernia
      d. Gallbladder
      e. Colon
      f. Hiatal Hernia
    2. Conventional Surgeries
      a. Hernia Repair
      b. Colon
      c. Stomach
      d. Appendix
      e. Thyroid
      f. Soft Tissue Masses and Skin Lesions

  B. Vascular Surgery
    1. Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
    2. Bypass surgery of extremities
    3. Carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
    4. Creation of arterio-venous fistulas
    5. Placement of central lines

  C. Varicose Vein Treatment
    1. TIPPS (Trans-Illuminated Powered Phlebectomy)
    2. SEPS (Subfascial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery)
    3. Deep venous thrombosis

  D. Breast Disease Management
    1. Evaluation of breast lumps (solid or cystic)
    2. Cyst aspirations
    3. Fine-needle aspiration of solid breast lump
    4. Stereotactic breast biopsy
    5. Sentinel lymph node biopsy
    6. Conventional biopsy
    7. Lumpectomy
    8. Mastectomy

  E. Gastric Bypass (Bariatric Surgery)

  F. Wound Management and Treatment

  G. Thoracic surgery
    1. Chest tube placement
    2. Removal and biopsy of nodules in lung and mediastinum
    3. Lobectomy

  H. Vascular Laboratory

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